Registration and badge pickup will be in the lobby (ground floor) of the National Library of Greece at the SNFCC
Opening Session
Gerald Leitner, IFLA Secretary General
Fillipos Tsimpoglou, National Library of Greece General Director
representing Greek partners: Association of Greek Librarians and Information Scientists (AGLIS) & Goethe Institut Athen
Lefteris Kretsos, Secretary General of Communication and Media, Ministry of Digital Policy of Greece
Professor Kostas Gavroglou, Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs of Greece
Lydia Koniordou, Minister of Culture of Greece
Donna Scheeder, IFLA President
Keynote speaker:
Dave Snowden, Director of the Cynefin Centre, Bangor University, Wales: Illuminating the future, understanding the evolutionary potential of the present
Coffee break
Session II: Societal Trends
Anriette Esterhuysen, Executive Director Association for Progressive Communications, South Africa: Why libraries matter in a hyperconnected world
Vassilis Harambidis, Founder & Artistic Director, Bios Exploring Urban Culture, Greece: So many things so little time, So little things so many times
Moderator: Maria Carme Torras i Calvo, IFLA Professional Committee Chair
Light lunch break
Session III: Globalisation
Nick Ashton-Hart, Consultant/Adviser at the UN Conference on Trade and Development / Associate Fellow of Geneva Centre for Security Policy: Can globalisation’s greatest tool, the Internet, support local identity and social development?
Karl Schroeder, Futurist NarrativeFutures.com, Canada: Truth in the Age of Dematerialization
Moderator: Christine Mackenzie, IFLA Treasurer
Coffee break
Session IV: Technological Trends
Betty Tsakarestou, Assistant Professor and Head of Advertising and Public Relations Lab, Panteion University - Department of Communication Media and Culture, Greece: Smart and Resilient Cities in our Connected World: New ways to live, co-exist, communicate and innovate in the Mobile, Digital and Deep-Learning Age
Ivan Owen, Makerspace Lab Manager at the University of Washington, USA: The Impact of Digitization of Physical Collections
Moderator: Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, IFLA President-elect
Closing Remarks by President Donna Scheeder
SNFCC Guided tours (optional)
Welcome Reception